Review potential matches and dismiss irrelevant Sanctions, Warnings, Fitness and Probity and Adverse Media hits.
Please note, the following information may only be applicable if you order your checks via
To view and assess screening hits and dismiss those which are irrelevant, review the KYB “Screening results” page. If there are potential matches found, a screening results section will appear on this page. To access the KYB screening results page:
- Follow the link in the notification email
- Search for the relevant KYB check on this page, scroll down to the screening results section, click the 'Review and dismiss screenings' button which will take you to the screening results page.
Step 1: Review results
In order to ascertain which hits are relevant, you'll need to review the information on the screening results page.
To access the latest downloadable Screening report, click the “Download latest screening report” button. This report includes the latest screening information, this report updates if any new screening hits are discovered with Ongoing Monitoring, and as you dismiss unrelated hits.
Step 2: Dismiss unrelated hits
Once you've ascertained which hits are irrelevant you can dismiss them, which will move them to the dismissed section of the report, the screening results page and from ongoing monitoring.
Potential matches (hits) can be found listed on the left hand side of the screening results page. Click on each potential match to bring up details related to that match in the right hand panel. In the left hand panel, there is a checkbox next to each potential match.
[Image shows: Left-hand side panel on screening results page showing check boxes on potential matches]
Once you have selected one or more potential matches, a button will appear at the top of the left-hand panel allowing you to “Add dismissal reason”.
[Image shows: Left-hand side panel on screening results page showing how it looks with one match vs multiple matches selected and the “Add dismissal reason” button showing]
Click the “Add dismissal reason” button, and a popup will appear on the screen allowing you to select a reason for dismissal and/or write an additional note.
[Image shows: Dismissal for singular hit popup - screening results page]
If you select multiple matches/hits for dismissal at once, the “reason for dismissal” and notes you write on the dismissal popup will be included in the screening report and in the dismissed matches section on the screening results page for all selected matches.
[Image shows: Dismissal for multiple hits popup - screening results page]
To ensure you're viewing the latest matches and dismissed matches, click the "Refresh matches" (in the left-hand side matches panel) or refresh your browser page.
[Image shows: Matches panel with "Refresh matches" button at the top]
Step 3: Download and review updated report
Once unrelated matches have been dismissed, the screening report and the screening results page will be updated.
In this report, your active and new matches will be displayed at the top. Dismissed matches will be delineated at the bottom of the report. Please note that we will not provide Ongoing Monitoring updates for hits which have been dismissed.
To download the report, click the “Download latest Screening Report” at the top of the Screening results page:
[Image shows: “Download latest Screening Report” button on the screening results page]
Or the Know-your-business activity page:
[Image shows: “Download latest Screening Report” button on the KYB activity page]
Need more help?
These articles should answer most of your questions. However, if you have any further queries please click the live chat button in the bottom right of your screen to talk to a member of the Client Support Team.